Are you practicing forgiveness?

Are you practicing forgiveness?

Before I was a student and study group facilitator of A Course in Miracles (ACIM) I was clueless as to what forgiveness is. In fact I held sooooo many grudges with people in my life that my anger and blame were out of control and being projected all over the place like slime!

And here’s the fucked up part……..I was doing all this to MYSELF! I was eating poison expecting other people to die??? How’d that work for you Dr. Rusty? Not well at all! Obviously this is not something I am proud of. Good thing forgiveness is my salvation!

Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.” — ACIM Workbook, Lesson 62.

Now I realize that forgiveness is the path to peace and LOVE for ME and ALL my brothers and sisters in the world!

Who wants peace?

Who wants Love?

Anytime you feel or think you want to condemn or blame somebody, (oh, this includes YOU too), for something they or you did say this to yourself: I forgive myself and others for the illusion that they or I have done anything to me or them. I am responsible for all my creations!

This will start to free you up from constriction, fear, and condemnation while expanding and shining your light and Love everywhere and on everybody!

Your relationships will transform before your eyes and the beauty of yourself and others will become breathtaking!

Ahhhh, what a wonderful way to be. We are all one. My salvation depends on everyone else’s salvation!

IMAGINE what the world and relationships would be like if we all practiced this simple and transformative forgiveness.May peace and Love be with you this holiday season and through eternity!

Peace, Light, & Love,

Dr. Rusty

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