What is stopping you?

What's Stopping YouWhat is stopping you? What is in the way?

As I’m writing this blog, I was thinking about what has me stopped in certain areas of my life? Now I got to get this written before the Eagles game comes on. There it is………priorities……….maybe. What do you think? The truth is I am stopping myself, always have, and always will if I CHOOSE to? Right now I am stopped getting myself to the gym and eating healthier. Now I could tell you all sorts of stories, excuses, or circumstances in my life, but none of those matters. There is no truth there. I will create the time, space, motivation, or money if I really want to do something. So what has me stopped from getting my ass to the gym? It’s very simple, my mindset. When I truly want to take care of myself and feel better, I will drag my butt in there. It’s the same with relationships.

Our beliefs affect our mindset, and, our mindset affects our beliefs. Hmmmm, sounds like a vicious circle huh? It’s like that inner critic or little voice in our head vs. our higher self or intuition that ALWAYS knows best. It’s a matter of choice again. And, if our mindset does not believe we have choice we become victims of stories and circumstances. So if our belief system is one of openness, possibility, discovery, and taking risk we are in an expansive mindset where miracles can happen. However, if our beliefs are closed down, status quo, righteous, or no possibility, we are in a contracted mindset where victimhood, cynicism, and resignation reside. Two voices, two choices. Which one do you choose?

Our mindset and beliefs are the most important piece of attracting or enhancing the relationship(s) of our dreams. If we do not believe we can have that, then there is no possibility to work with. Expansive mindsets attract expansive mindsets. Contracted mindsets attract contracted mindsets. Like attracts like. Expansion comes from a mindset and way of being of Love. Contraction comes from a mindset and way of being of fear. Are you getting this!

Now you can argue all you want about this or that relationship is not working because of them. I don’t buy it and NEVER will! It ALWAYS comes down to us, always. With a different mindset and transformed beliefs we can have the relationship of our dreams, heal and transform a current relationship, or choose to leave one regardless of the circumstances. We have so much power and energy in our bodies that we could light up a city! Channeled properly, we can manifest any relationship we want, as long as we’re not attached to the outcome. And as long as we take 100% responsibility for what we have and are creating around us. Curious? Skeptical?

Now action is where the pedal meets the metal! Who is willing to transform their beliefs and mindset? Who is sick and tired of being sick and tired? I can’t wait to hear from you!

Light and Love,

Dr. Rusty


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