Who wants to know how to have a Ravishing Sex and Love Life?

Who wants to know how to have a Ravishing Sex and Love Life?

I just got back from the gym. Feeling amazing! No food or beer for 12 days! I’m doing my own organic juicing for 25 days and already released 10 lbs. And you know from my last couple of emails that this has not been the case with me the last couple of years being challenged with depression, grieving, health issues, being overweight, and not feeling good about myself.

Why am I sharing this with you?

Because in order to have an extraordinary Love and sex life you have to do something radically different, feel good about yourself, and be able to perform (LOL)!

Otherwise, who and what do you think you will attract?

Being comfortable being and doing the same old same old will not cut it!

Mirror mirror on the wall who’s the sexiest one of all?

You better have said I am (you)!

Over the years the most common response clients have given me as to what is stopping them from having sizzling sex and deep lasting Love is they don’t feel good about themselves.

So here are some suggestions to take action with NOW if you want to have a ravishing sex and Love life?

  1. Change your patterns and BE and DO what & who you want to attract!
  2. Take action NOW and Stop procrastinating!
  3. Be courageous, take risks, and get used to being uncomfortable!
  4. Create a healthy lifestyle and Love and feel great about yourself!
  5. Spend time in stillness with yourself!
  6. Take 100% responsibility for what and who you are attracting!
  7. Practice being authentic and fully self expressed in relationships!
  8. Ask for what you want!
  9. Don’t take things personally!
  10. Monitor your thoughts and be resilient with a positive mindset!
  11. Ask open ended questions and LISTEN to others with no agenda!
  12. Be generous and grateful!
  13. Smile!
  14. Spend time LOVING yourself in front of the mirror!
  15. Be your word to yourself and others and live your life with impeccable integrity!
  16. Share yourself!
  17. Practice forgiveness and acceptance!
  18. TRUST yourself so you are capable of trusting others!
  19. Learn how to say no when that’s your truth, and practice being a powerful yes when you’re in fear!
  20. Play and have fun like an innocent child (dance like nobody’s watching)!
  21. Be accountable to someone who will kick your ass when you get off track and are out of integrity!

Now I realize that is a lot, and, there is always more.

However, I guarantee if you are living life through those 21 suggestions you not only will feel good about and have a Love affair with yourself, but you will also attract a ravishing sex and Love partner(s) sooner than you could have ever imagined!

Which ones are you challenged with?

Which ones interest you or are curious about?

Which ones would you like me to be more specific about?

Where are you stuck?


I’m interested in what you want and need to make 2015 the year you fall in deep lasting Love with ravishing sex!

Light & Love,
Dr. Rusty

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